Monday, May 21, 2012

Cristie Ritz King-Real Life Wellness

Cristie's Story

1. Tell us the story of your journey. Include details about what inspired you to go into       business, was this a life long dream or a newer desire. Share as many details as you    are comfortable sharing.

I wish I could say being in business for myself was a life-long dream but that would imply I’ve always known what I wanted to be when I grew up! What I’ve always known is what I love, which is working with people, sharing knowledge and doing it as I see fit. I’m not a control freak in most things, but when it comes to how I spend my time, I am most comfortable deciding that on my own. So I guess I’ve always known that I wanted to be my own boss. I just didn’t know how. I started a business years ago in direct sales and learned from the incredible women I was surrounded by how to be successful, work hard, and be happy raising a family. I knew from those women that you needed to be passionate about your work to succeed on your own without being miserable. I knew I wanted what they had, it just took me a while to figure out how to do it. My passion wasn’t sales, so I stumbled around a bit before hitting on the right formula. I was a teacher before I had kids so I knew I liked and was good at talking to groups. I started blogging and freelance writing while I was home with my kids so I knew I loved writing and the online world. I also knew I loved cooking and talking to people about food. I got very into health and wellness when my youngest child had some digestive issues and I had to learn how to shed “baby” weight within the confines of my crazy schedule.

I thought of med-school, personal training or counseling. But I had a Master’s degree already and the financial burden of that much more school for perhaps one subject that wasn’t quite right was daunting. Then I found a school that taught Integrative Nutrition which combines dietary theory and coaching/counseling theory and I knew I found what I was looking for. Now I get to help other women navigate the world of food and nutrition for themselves and their kids. I get to apply all I’ve learned by guiding others toward a better life. And I get to do all of this on my own terms. Finally, I have what those women in Direct Sales demonstrated to me all those years ago; passion for what I do and freedom to do it as it works with my life.

2. Did you go into business before or after you had children? How do/did your children affect your decision to go into business.

 I worked full time for someone else until the birth of my second child. After quitting that job to stay home with kids, I  was always sales and freelance writing jobs on my own time. When the kids got older and it was time for more, I couldn’t imagine going back to a job where my hours were set for me. I have gotten very used to designing my own work schedule to optimize the time I can support my kids and build our family. Also, I had truly found what it was to love what you do and work with passion when I started writing and being a mom, so I didn’t want to settle for a plain old job anymore. I was determined to find something that fit the lifestyle I had grown to love.

3. Share your trials and triumphs. We want to hear about your highs and lows. Did you have any low points or worries as well as high points and huge shining moments?

High points are always when clients are noticeably happy. I love being the support system for women to find their true greatness. There is no better reward than their joy. As for low points, it’s always money for me. I struggle with balancing my inherent need for security and my desire to take risks in order to grow. Leaving full-time work to stay home with kids presented many financial sacrifices. So, my part time work was always for money that went directly to taking care of our family. It’s been a difficult adjustment back to making financial investments in myself for professional purposes. Of course, my work money is separate from my home money, but whenever I invest in something for my business, I often find I have to remind myself it’s ok to use that money for something other than my family. It’s not necessarily a low point. Rather it’s a constant reminder to now accept myself as the professional that I am.

4. Do you have any encouraging words to share with mom entrepreneurs that may help to keep their spirits up on a trying day. Not necessarily trade secrets that pertain to business but more directed toward encouraging another mom not to give up and/or to keep following a dream.

Man, I know it’s hard. There were days where I was ready to throw in the towel and go back to a 9-5 with a steady paycheck and predictable goals and responsibilities. What got me through those days (and still does-they creep up even now) is the knowledge that I can ALWAYS be here for my kids without having to answer to anyone else and that I’m teaching my kids that you CAN be true to your heart in life and work. I really wanted to model for my kids that you can love what you do for work without it being your whole life. I didn’t want my daughter to identify me only as mom because it is important that she knows there is more to women who have kids than just their role as mother. I also don’t want any of my kids to think they have to settle in life. Whenever I think of going back to a job working for someone else I know that will be settling for me and I don’t want to model that as the only viable option. I want my kids to know that they can reach for what feels like a dream. I want them to see firsthand that hard work doesn’t mean misery and that following your heart isn’t just for artists and dreamers but be for anyone willing to do the work. Being in business for myself, doing something that feels good in my soul, that is a dream come true. I want my kids to see that’s possible-no matter how old you are.

Cristie's Website is

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tia Song Roberts-Luv Handles

 Tia's Story

  1. Tell us the story of your journey. Include details about what inspired you to go into business, was this a life long dream or a newer desire. Share as many details as you are comfortable sharing.

   Tia: I am so thankful to have stumbled upon the business of my dreams!  I never thought I would be one of “the lucky ones’ who truly find their passion and get to live out their dreams.  Thank goodness there was something greater in store for me than what I had initially planned!  I am loving every part of this journey I am on! Every life experience (good or bad) that has occurred has really just been a stepping stone to get me in the right place and at exactly the right moment! 

My journey began after I graduated from Washington State University with big dreams of becoming a news journalist.  Although, I did have a part-time job at Fox Sports in WA, I quickly realized I wanted a full time job.  So, I then worked in the finance industry, which was such a humbling yet rewarding growth experience.  It was also a great foundation to plant the seed for where I am at today!  I can honestly say now, fortunately I did lose my job and what a true blessing in disguise!  Naturally that chapter of my job loss in my life was one the hardest times I have ever been through, yet unknown to me the best blessings in life were just around the corner!  The birth of my 1st son, Talon and then the “accidental” birth of Luv Handles.  I will be forever thankful that my kitchen counter idea sparked by hosting friends for dinner would land me an editorial feature by Martha Stewart as her Dreamers into Doers and then I was giftingHollywood celebrities all within one short year of business!  


2. Did you go into business before or after you had children? How do/did your children      affect your decision to go into business. 

     Tia: I always knew I wanted to have children, I just always felt that it could wait because I have always been so “career” driven, goal oriented and business minded.  I add that losing my job was a blessing because it was a time that I had no choice but to reflect and realize what really mattered to me.  I often wonder if I would even have stopped to “smell the roses” or raise a family if it wasn’t for the loss of my job and the finance industry crash.  Nothing in this world could make up for the birth of my child, he is my life’s reward!  He and my husband are truly the loves of my life and what makes my entire life so fulfilling and literally go around.  I may have learned the hard way but at least it was learned that for me life is not about business awards, climbing the corporate ladder and making tons of money.  To be perfectly honest, I know that I got caught up in that mind set temporarily.  So it is such a blessing to have finally found balance, a true passion for what I am doing and less stress yet more excitement about this time around.  I can honestly say my recent path is what my wildest dreams are made of and more!  It wouldn’t be the American Dream without family, the things that really matter most in life. 

Even before I became a stay at home mom, I always knew being a stay at home mom was one of the hardest jobs in the world.  A job which I never ever pictured myself doing!  Yet look at me now!  But I am forever grateful for this path!  Women are strong, powerful and have the capabilities of doing it all while still chasing their own personal dreams!


3. Share your trials and triumphs. We want to hear about your highs and lows. Did you have any low points or worries as well as high points and huge shining moments.

Tia:  It’s funny when I think about thisNOWand look back at my journey.  I honestly believe that all the bad or low trials in my life were just a stepping stone to get me on the path that is truly meant for me!  Trust me I am not just saying that to sugar coat it!  Yes of course there have been many tears and struggles but I have become a true believer in destiny.  Everything good or bad has really just set the platform for me and my business today.  I believe that is why my Luv Handles sort of took off.  I’m living my life for the right reasons now and it’s leading me to endless opportunities, its actually quite surreal!    I know its easier said than done but I’ve learned its truly about doing what you love, finding your passion as well as life balance, learn from your mistakes, work hard, believe in your gut and that every obstacle placed in your life is only a blessing to make you a stronger person!  What amazes me most and I never take for granted that I have had the opportunity to inspire others!  I never would have dreamt of the day I could inspire someone to live out their dreams and creativity!  I mean I have a hard time inspiring my 2 year old to eat his veggies let alone inspiring 1 other person to live out their full potential! J  That’s what it’s really all about!


4. Do you have any encouraging words to share with mom entrepreneurs that may help to keep their spirits up on a trying day. Not necessarily trade secrets that pertain to business but more directed toward encouraging another mom not to give up and/or to keep following a dream.    

                              I am a quote addict!I have a ton to recite but a few of my favorites are these; “Everything happens for a    reason”, “Failure is the tuition for success”,  “Big risks equal big rewards”, “Do not be   timid about your actions, all life is, is an experiment”, “have faith, trust yourself”, and the “things that scare you are probably the things you should be doing”!  It’s truly what all the positive people always say!  If you believe in what you are doing, have a real passion for it, work hard toward your goals then all the pieces will fall into place for you.  Let the “no’s” only fire you up to keep going for your dream and what you want out of this ONE life we are given!

 Tia's Website is


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Erica Diamond-Women on The Fence

 Erica's Story

  1. Tell us the story of your journey. Include details about what inspired you to go into business, was this a life long dream or a newer desire. Share as many details as you are comfortable sharing. 

I have wanted to be an entrepreneur since I was a little girl playing in my basement pretending to own stores and various businesses. At age 24 I had a plan which was to get my MBA, get a great job and eventually start own company. I ended up failing my GMAT so that plan didn’t work out. At that point I decided to cash in my five thousand dollar savings and start my first company which was promotional products company. 

2. Did you go into business before or after you had children? How do/did your children affect your decision to go into business.

 After I had my first baby I knew I only had one chance to get motherhood right. I had tried juggling my business and motherhood and when I became pregnant with my second son I was beginning to feel overwhelmed. I was thrilled to get an offer I couldn’t refuse from a large company who wanted to purchase my business. After I sold my business, I stayed home as a full time mother from 2006 to 2009 and spent those three years focusing on and loving my kids. In 2009 I got the itch again to do something creative but knew that I did not want to work for someone else. I was very much on the fence. I decided to launch my business as a hub for women who were also on the fence to come and share their stories in the forum. I was excited for other women in a similar position, to have a place to go where they could find women to identify with and get “unstuck" with.

3. Share your trials and triumphs. We want to hear about your highs and lows. Did you have any low points or worries as well as high points and huge shining moments?

My first shining moment was when that large company wanted to buy my company. I was so honored. Then in 2011 I made the Forbes list for the top 100 sites for women/entrepreneurship twice. Later I was named one of the top 20 women in Canada. Watching my kids grow up is my biggest honor and privilege everyday.

4. Do you have any encouraging words to share with mom entrepreneurs that may help to keep their spirits up on a trying day. Not necessarily trade secrets that pertain to business but more directed toward encouraging another mom not to give up and/or to keep following a dream.

 On a bad day I always say thank goodness there are only 24 hours and that a new morning will always bring new possibilities. All success comes from failure so don’t be afraid to fail. To watch Erica’s speech on Why It’s Good to Fail click here

Erica's website is