- Tell us the story of your journey. Include details about what inspired you to go into business, was this a life long dream or a newer desire. Share as many details as you are comfortable sharing.
Nancy and I attended college together and graduated with degrees in Fashion Merchandising fromVirginiaCommonwealthUniversity. We always talked about owning a business. The hardest part was coming up with the right idea! After we both gained valuable experience in our field and then had kids, the idea came to us.
2. Did you go into business before or after you had children? How do/did your children affect your decision to go into business?
We went into business after we had children! They were our inspiration. Nancykept telling me that there had to be a better way to dress babies because the snaps and buttons were so frustrating and when you combined them with a fussy, squirmy baby, they were sometimes a disaster! After a lot of work, many prototypes, and samples later, we introduced our styles that make dressing babies quick and easy…
3.Share your trials and triumphs. We want to hear about your highs and lows. Did you have any low points or worries as well as high points and huge shining moments?
There have been many trials and triumphs and I am sure there are many more to come! Getting the business going was a huge trial. From the government paperwork to picking a logo! The hardest part was finding fabric companies and manufacturers to even speak to us. When you are a ‘startup.’ they just don’t want to talk to you. We went through many ups and downs… it is exciting and worrisome all at the same time! Triumphs would include the bloggers that write us asking to feature Rock Me, our Parenting Magazine feature, our feature on the Today Show, and winning a contest that will be announced in September!
4. Do you have any encouraging words to share with mom entrepreneurs that may help to keep their spirits up on a trying day? Not necessarily trade secrets that pertain to business but more directed toward encouraging another mom not to give up and/or to keep following a dream.
Just keep your chin up and think positive thoughts! The world operates on the law of attraction so you want to attract positivity! Things always work out so try not to stress about anything.