Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kelly Pierson-Whole Lotta Sugar

Kelly's Story
     Tell us the story of your journey. Include details about what inspired you to go into business, was this a lifelong dream or a newer desire. Share as many details as you are comfortable sharing.
      I never thought I would end up with a cake business. I have always enjoyed cooking and baking and sharing it with others. However who knew it would lead to this!
       I started making cakes when I moved to the Weddington area 8 years ago out of necessity more than anything else. There is a certain type of cake that I enjoy, a moist cake with a creamy butter cream frosting. You think that wouldn’t be hard to find but it was. Before I had children, my professional background was in the creative field of advertising. I knew I could come up with  ideas for cakes I just needed the practical skills on how to do it. So I took some cake classes and went from there. So I have to say this path was not intended, but now, besides being with my family it is one of the only things I want to do. I so enjoy it!

      Did you go into business before or after you had children? How do/did your children affect your decision to go into business.
     I started the business making cakes for my children. From there 
     friends asked me to make their cakes. Then people at their   
    parties  started asking me to make their cakes. It just snowballed    
    from there.  Having a creative side I was looking for something I   
     could do that would not interfere with the needs of my family. 
     Creating cakes gave me the ability to work around their schedules.
      Share your trials and triumphs. We want to hear about your highs and lows. Did you have any low points or worries as well as high points and huge shining moments?
      I have learned a lot on this sugar sprinkled journey! Although I didn’t want my cake creating to cause friction with my family it eventually did. I am such a perfectionist, so when I was working on an idea or actually in the act of creating, I often times would not be in the best mood. I always want my product to be the best it can be. So I am hard on myself, and I would in turn be hard on my family at that time. I have learned to let that go. It is a lot easier now for me to leave the cake at the work table. I also stopped doing big cakes. I now focus on my cake balls, which I call itty bittys, and whoopie pies. Those all my true calling. Themed cakes were fun but I could only do one a day because they were so labor intensive. Now I don’t have to turn away as many customers. With my “itty bitty” cake balls and whoopie pies, I can make multiple customers happy a day!
       I have learned that, for now, while my children are young I want my continued focus to be on them. I want to help them become the wonderful people they are blossoming to be and to be positive contributors to the community around them. So although I come up with new cake ball and whoopie pie flavors ideas all the time I need to keep it in check. My goal is to have a healthy life/work balance. I want to enjoy all aspect of my life. So I remind myself everyday to slow down, don’t drive myself crazy and enjoy the present! That can be hard to do!
      My highest highs are always when I get feedback from customers about how much they enjoyed my product. Nothing means more. I am lucky that I get to create edible art for occasions of celebrations. To add to that happiness is my ultimate goal. And there is no better compliment than when someone becomes a repeat customer.
      I had the opportunity to highlight my itty bittys on Charlotte Today earlier this year which was very exciting!

      Do you have any encouraging words to share with mom entrepreneurs that may help
to keep their spirits up on a trying day. Not necessarily trade secrets that pertain to business but more directed toward encouraging another mom not to give up and/or to keep following a dream.
What I can share is this - don’t push yourself to hard. Remember that you are doing this because you love it and you want to share your talents with others. Some days are crazy with heavy workloads or insane time crunches. But if you don’t have the support from your family it is not worth it. So try to keep a good balance. For me, some days are better than others, but everyday my goal is to be the best I can be for my family but most of all for me. Because if I am not able to express my true self than I cannot be good for anyone!

 Kelly's site is



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